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11) Which mutant is the son of Professor X?

Xavier's son Legion (David Charles Haller) has vast psionic powers like his father but also suffers from severe mental illness, including multiple personality disorder.

12) Which supervillain is Charles Xavier's twin?

Cassandra Nova, a parasitic life form born bodiless on the astral plane, began life at the same time as Charles Xavier. She improvised a body by copying Xavier's DNA, effectively becoming his twin sister. She grew with her brother inside their mother's womb until Charles sensed her monstrous thoughts and attempted to kill the creature, resulting in its physical body being stillborn.

13) What street is Professor X's ancestral mansion located on?

Xavier uses his ancestral mansion at 1407 Graymalkin Lane as a base of operations for the X-Men.

14) Which mutant temporarily restores Xavier's ability to walk?

Xorn heals the X-Men of a nano-Sentinel infection, restoring Professor Xavier's ability to walk in the process, but later reveals himself to be Magneto. After revealing himself, Magneto reverses the repairs to Xavier's legs, kidnaps him, and destroys the X-Mansion.

15) What was Professor X's father's job?

Dr. Brian Xavier was a well-respected nuclear scientist.

16) In what part of New York did Professor X grow up?

Xavier's family lived in a mansion estate in Westchester County because of the riches his father's nuclear research had brought them.