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11) The novel takes place in which fictional town?

It takes place in the fictional "tired old town" of Maycomb, Alabama, the seat of Maycomb County.

12) What does Jem Finch break when he is thirteen?

Jem's elbow is broken in a violent encounter with Bob Ewell.

13) Which character was based on Truman Capote?

Scout's friend Dill was inspired by Lee's childhood friend and neighbor, Truman Capote. Lee, in turn, was the model for a character in Capote's first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms, published in 1948.

14) What is the first thing Scout finds in the knot hole of the Radley tree?

The first object Scout discovers is a piece of Wrigley's Double-Mint gum.

15) Who is the Finch's housekeeper?

Calpurnia is a strong, positive female influence in Jem & Scout's lives.

16) Who saves Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell?

Amid the confusion someone comes to the children's rescue. The mysterious man carries Jem home, where Scout realizes that he is Boo Radley.

17) Why does Atticus kill a dog?

The mad dog in Harper Lee's novel is symbolic of the "madness" that Atticus has to face once he takes on Tom Robinson's case.

18) Which character suffers from a morphine addiction?

Although Jem believes that Mrs. Dubose is a thoroughly bad woman, Atticus admires her for the courage with which she battles her morphine addiction.

19) What is the verdict in Tom's trial?

Although Atticus establishes that his accusers are lying, the jury convicts Tom anyway.

20) How does Tom die?

Tom is shot and killed while trying to escape from prison.