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11) What kind of suit does Mr. Takagi wear?

HANS: Nice suit. John Phillips. London. I have two myself. Rumor has it Arafat buys his there.

12) How many locks does the Nakatomi vault have?

Located on the 30th floor of Nakatomi Plaza, the vault has seven locks, which includes a code, five mechanical locks and an electromagnetic seal, which is controlled by the downtown Los Angeles power grid.

13) What is the password for the first lock?

The password "Akagi" (Red Castle in English) is the name of one of the Japanese aircraft carriers which carried out the strike on Pearl Harbor.

14) What does John write on the first terrorist he kills?

John puts a Santa hat on the corpse, sits him on a chair and uses a red permanent marker to write: "Now I have a machine gun. Ho Ho Ho."

15) What does officer Powell buy at the gas station?

On his way home from work, Al Powell is grabbing some Twinkies for his pregnant wife when he gets the call to investigate Nakatomi Plaza.

16) How does McClane signal Powell that something's wrong at Nakatomi Plaza?

In a desperate bid to attract Powell's attention, McClane throws Marco's corpse from the 34th floor onto the hood of his police car.

17) What cowboy does McClane compare himself to?

HANS: Who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne, Rambo, Marshall Dillon?
MCCLANE: I was always kind of partial to Roy Rogers, actually. Really liked those sequined shirts.

18) How many kids does John have?

JOHN: How many kids you got, Al?
AL: Well, as a matter of fact, my wife is working on our first. How 'bout you, cowboy? You got any kids back on your ranch?
JOHN: Yeah. Two. Sure hope I can see 'em swinging on a jungle gym with Al Jr. someday.

19) Who gives away John's identity to Hans?

Harry Ellis tries to convince McClane to give up the detonators that, unbeknownst to Ellis, Hans needs to blow the roof and kill the hostages. Ellis claims to have known John for years, which ultimately gets him killed.

20) Hans demands that members of which terrorist group be released?

HANS: The following people are to be released from their captors: In Northern Ireland, the seven members of the New Provo Front. In Canada, the five imprisoned leaders of Liberte de Quebec. In Sri Lanka, the nine members of the Asian Dawn movement.
KARL: Asian Dawn Movement?
HANS: [covers the radio] I read about them in Time magazine.