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11) Who jumps Williams before the tournament?

Williams knocks out a couple of racist cops because he's an awesome 70s black dude who doesn't have time for their bull***t.

12) What kind of fight do Roper and Lee bet on?

Roper, a compulsive gambler, challenges the others to bet on a praying mantis fight. Lee gives him 5 to 1 odds, taking the smaller mantis, which wins.

13) Who does Lee lure onto a dinghy?

The scene in which Lee states that his style is the style of "Fighting Without Fighting" and then tricks Parsons into boarding a dinghy is based upon a famous anecdote involving the 16th century samurai Tsukahara Bokuden.

14) What does Mei Ling use for target practice during the opening festivities?

Mei Ling fires a dart into a thrown apple. The best part is that she doesn't throw it, she blows it.

15) Who knocks Parsons out of the tournament?

Williams makes quick work of Parsons in the first round.

16) How does Han punish the guards who failed to catch Lee while he was snooping around the island?

He makes them face off against Bolo, a sadistic musclebound enforcer who slaughters them all without mercy.

17) Who does Lee fight first in the tournament?

Lee's first opponent is O'Hara--the man who killed his sister. He repeatedly puts O'Hara down with strong, single strikes, to the point where the audience stops applauding since it's not even a contest anymore. Enraged, O'Hara attacks with a broken bottle, and Lee puts him down for good.

18) Han has a detachable _____.

Han kills Williams with a heavy iron prosthetic in place of his left hand. As it turns out, the iron hand is detachable and can be replaced with several other alternatives, including a bear claw with fur and everything.

19) What is Han making in his underground factory?

Han isn't just selling girls. He's selling opium too.

20) What future star plays an unnamed minion who gets his neck broken by Lee?

Jackie Chan makes an uncredited cameo appearance towards the end of Enter the Dragon in the big fight scene in the cave. Bruce Lee grabs his hair and breaks his neck. According to legend, Lee actually struck Chan in the face with one of his fighting sticks. He immediately apologized and insisted that Chan could work on all of his movies after that. Unfortunately, Lee died before he could keep that promise.