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11) What bounty does Viggo put on John's head?

Viggo places a $2 million bounty on John's head and personally offers the contract to John's mentor, Marcus, who accepts the offer.

12) What hotel does John stay in?

John seeks refuge at the Continental Hotel, which caters exclusively to the criminal underworld and forbids any "business" from being conducted on the premises. Viggo doubles the bounty for anyone willing to break the rules and kill John at the hotel.

13) Where does Viggo have Iosef hidden?

Winston, the owner of the Continental, tells John that Viggo has Iosef under guard at his nightclub, the Red Circle. John assaults the Red Circle and finds Iosef, but Viggo's henchman Kirill blindsides John, allowing Iosef to escape.

14) Which assassin tries to claim the bounty on John?

When John retreats to the Continental to doctor his wounds, Ms. Perkins sneaks into his room for the kill, but Marcus alerts John, allowing him to subdue her.

15) What kind of establishment is Viggo using as a front?

John heads to the Little Russia church Viggo is using as his front and destroys Viggo's cache of money and blackmail material.

16) After John kills Iosef, who does Viggo kill?

When Viggo learns that Marcus has been working with John all along, he has Marcus beaten and tortured before executing him in his home. Viggo then tells John what he's done, planning to have Ms. Perkins ambush him when he arrives on the scene, but Winston arrives first and executes Ms. Perkins for conducting "business" on the hotel grounds.

17) What does John do after killing Viggo?

John breaks into a waterfront animal clinic to treat his wounds and releases a pit bull puppy scheduled to be euthanized, then walks with the dog along the same boardwalk where he had his last date with Helen.

18) How many people does John Wick kill John Wick?

In John Wick, he kills 77 people, but he's just getting started. In John Wick: Chapter 2, he easily tops that with a body count of 128.