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11) What is the name of the mystical creature in Wenwu's dungeon?

Morris has six feet, four iridescent wings, and no face. He communicates using a series of chirps and yips. A childhood companion and pet of Ying Li, he was captured by Wenwu on one of his expeditions in search of the portal to Ta Lo.

12) Whose car does Shang-Chi steal to get to Ta Lo?

Razor Fist is a member of the Ten Rings, notable for being armed with a retractable cybernetic blade in place of his right hand. His car, a custom-painted electric BMW, is hijacked by Katy Chen, Shang-Chi, Xialing and Trevor Slattery when they flee the Ten Rings' complex.

13) What film inspired Trevor Slattery (a.k.a. The Mandarin) to become an actor?

TREVOR: 1968. Planet of the Apes. I was sitting in the cinema next to my mum, watching mastery unfold before my very eyes. After the film, I asked her, "How did they get those monkeys to do those things?" And she patted me on the head, and she said, "It's not real, pet. It's just acting." That's when I knew. If they could teach those monkeys to act that brilliantly, just imagine what I could bring to the world.

14) Who is locked behind the Dark Gate?

The Dweller-in-Darkness was the leader of the Soul Eaters with the ability to absorb souls. Thousands of years ago, the Dweller and its army attempted to destroy Ta Lo until they were imprisoned inside a mountain by the Great Protector.

15) What do the warriors of Ta Lo use for armor?

Ying Nan bestows Shang-Chi and Xialing with dragon scale armor to protect them during the Battle of Ta Lo.

16) What weapon does Katy learn to use?

She is taught by Guang Bo how to use a bow and arrow in preparation for the impending battle.

17) Who kills Death Dealer?

When Wenwu damages the Dark Gate, an army of Soul Eaters escape, one of which kills Death Dealer by sucking out his soul to be harvested for the Dweller.

18) How does Trevor survive the Battle of Ta Lo?

During the battle, Morris spots Trevor lying on the ground. Worried that his friend is dead, he nudges him. But Trevor reveals that he is merely acting dead and instructs Morris to do the same.

19) Who saves the Great Protector from having its soul devoured by the Dweller-in-Darkness?

When the Great Protector is almost killed by the Dweller, Katy uses her last arrow to pierce the Dweller's neck, allowing the Great Protector to escape and recover its strength.