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21) How do the Gamemakers change the rules?

Haymitch persuades Seneca to change the rules to allow two winners provided they are from the same district, suggesting that this will pacify the public who is beginning to sympathize with Katniss' and Peeta's doomed love affair.

22) Where does Katniss find Peeta after he's injured?

She finds him near the river, where Rue mentioned seeing him. He has been wounded by Cato, and Katniss helps him to a riverside cave.

23) What message does Haymitch send Katniss after she kisses Peeta?

Shortly after Katniss gives Peeta a quick peck on the cheek, a silver parachute arrives with broth for Peeta and a note for Katniss: "You call that a kiss?"

24) Who saves Katniss from Clove?

When Thresh, District 11's male tribute, overhears Clove boasting about how the Careers killed Katniss' ally Rue, he smashes her against the Cornucopia and snaps her neck, then spares Katniss, saying, "Just this once, 12 ... for Rue."

25) Which tribute eats poisonous berries?

Katniss and Peeta find Foxface dead after she steals and eats nightlock berries Peeta had been gathering, thinking they were food.

26) What kind of "muttations" do the Gamemakers release to intensify the Game's final moments?

As the Hunger Games draw to a close, Seneca releases a pack of wolf-like "muttations" on the final tributes. Eerily, each of the mutts resembles one of the tributes who has died.

27) Who is the last tribute to die in the 74th Hunger Games?

As the mutts tear Cato apart, Katniss puts him out of his misery with a well-placed arrow.

28) Why don't the Games end when Cato dies?

Seneca revokes the rule change allowing two victors to win. Peeta urges Katniss to shoot him, but knowing that failure to produce a definitive Victor would defeat the purpose of the Games, she convinces him to eat nightlock berries together. Just before they do, the Gamemakers hastily declare them co-victors. Afterward, Haymitch warns Katniss that she has made enemies through these acts of defiance.

29) As punishment for the botched Games, President Snow has the Head Gamemaker locked in a room with ______.

Seneca is summoned by President Snow to a special room, escorted by Peacekeepers. In the room is a bowl filled with nightlock berries.

30) Finish Effie's quote: "May the _____ be ever in your favor."

EFFIE TRINKET: Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!