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11) According to the show's disclaimer, who should watch South Park?

Each episode opens with a tongue-in-cheek all persons fictitious disclaimer: "All characters and events in this show--even those based on real people--are entirely fictional. All celebrity voices are impersonated ... poorly. The following program contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone."

12) Which character is often the target of Cartman's anti-Semitic insults?

Kyle and Cartman have shared an enmity since the show's inception, and their rivalry has become significantly more pronounced as the series has progressed.

13) Which character is known for her on-again, off-again relationship with Stan?

Wendy is shown to love Stan very much, though he usually doesn't return the favor. This is epitomized in the earlier seasons when Stan vomits on Wendy as a running gag when the two are about to kiss.

14) Which character once worked as a prostitute?

Chef once resorted to male prostitution in an effort to raise money to pay legal fees, and had sex with nearly every woman in South Park before having to stop due to exhaustion.

15) Who was abducted by aliens in the first episode of South Park?

Cartman spends most of the episode denying that he was "probed".

16) Which character wears a parka?

Kenny wears his parka hood so tightly that it covers most of his face and muffles his speech.

17) Which character is known as "the fat kid"?

Cartman's obesity is a continuing subject of insults and ridicule from other characters.

18) Who wins South Park Elementary school's "Save Our Fragile Planet" essay contest?

When Mr. Garrison announces that Cartman has won the contest, Wendy Testaburger immediately suspects him of cheating.

19) Which character's family is on welfare?

Kenny comes from a poor household, presided over by his alcoholic, unemployed father.

20) Who tries to assassinate Kathie Lee Gifford?

When Kathie Lee Gifford comes to town, Mr. Garrison relives a traumatic childhood memory in which she defeated him in a national talent show. Manipulated by his hand puppet, Mr. Hat, Mr. Garrison purchases a large rifle from Jimbo's gun shop and plots his revenge.